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I was asked to make some pens

Smokey Bacon

Apprentice Member
Jan 26, 2014
United Kingdom
I was looking through the internet at various kinds of pen kits there are on the market and my better half saw the bolt action ones and said 'Oh I like those can I have one in padauk a big one and a small one?'
Now who am I to refuse such a request especially after all she went through when my heart went ape.
Well here is the one in padauk (I've no idea where the small one is, lost no doubt in the depths of her bag I guess and not worth my life venturing into that black abyss).
001 (800x337).jpg
sorry about the picture again.
Her friend saw her pen and ordered three mini ones in cocobolo after seeing my fountain pen. Here they are hope she likes them they are for her brothers I think she said.
018 (800x328).jpg


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Hi Smokey from somewhere in the United Kingdom sounds very James Bond. Your pens are not your first obviously because they are outstanding in their workmanship your choices all round came together beautifully. They are exciting making me sure you will be the favourite brother in law and husband extrordinair.

And you are right delving into a womans handbag or drawers is fraught with possibilities scary thought all round. My wife does not drive therefor for ever it seems she had to really delve to locate proof of identity but in the last many years has proved great for me with two 2000 odd manufacture vehicles we get the 500 dollar rego discount for both of us. Still 31 degrees C at 8.30 pm up round 40 degrees today again.

Kind regards Peter.:claps::pounds:


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
I didn't know there was mini bolt pens, so new to me .. :goesred::goesred: Love these pens Smokey, it is good to hear you have requests for pens my friend, i hope you get many more .. :bwink:


grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
I too didn't know there were mini versions of the bullet pen. Well crafted Mr Bacon and a lovely finish, anybody in their right mind would be pleased to get such gifts.

I once fell into my wifes bag and was there for 3 days before I could find my way out again. :funny::funny:

Smokey Bacon

Apprentice Member
Jan 26, 2014
United Kingdom
I got them from 'pencrafts' (sorry not worked out how to do the linky thing yet).
I was just cruising various places that sold pen kits and well, got some out of curiosity. Very satisfied with their service too.
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