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I was humbled ...


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
I entered a pen in the IAP "Advanced Beautiful Pen Contest" earlier this month. To be fair my first choice was a bomb, so I turned another one in a bit of a hurry. I was still pleased with it, and quietly confident. Boy, was I wrong! Some absolutely gorgeous entries, leading me to the mind-blowing revelation that I still have a lot to learn. (Well, not so mind-blowing but you get my drift!)

There are a number of 'nice-looking' entries which are purchased blanks fitted to stock kits, those I am not awed by. It's the custom work that is incredibly inspiring and a little humbling. Take a look at the entries here and try to guess which is mine.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Knowing a little history of you and Plastic i would go with Number 4 David .. :thumbs:
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