Here's a pen and box I've made for a charity that's very close to me.
I was diagnosed with depression back in August 2011 (which basically explained why I was such a miserable git through my 20's!) and since then I've been living with depression.
Through a combination of medication, talking therapies and some seriously hard work, I'm now able to manage my depression, and a big part of that has been down to the confidence and esteem I've gained from woodwork and wood turning.
Time To Change is a charity that is trying to end stigma against Mental Health issues and Time to Change Wales is their Welsh arm (surprisingly) and I am a Champion and Ambassador on their behalf carrying out media duties and such in Welsh and English.
The box is chestnut with a zebrano lid, and the Time to change logo and the words "ydy'r ci du yn dilyn ti....." or for you lot "does the black dog follow you...."
So, here they are:
Thank you for looking!
I was diagnosed with depression back in August 2011 (which basically explained why I was such a miserable git through my 20's!) and since then I've been living with depression.
Through a combination of medication, talking therapies and some seriously hard work, I'm now able to manage my depression, and a big part of that has been down to the confidence and esteem I've gained from woodwork and wood turning.
Time To Change is a charity that is trying to end stigma against Mental Health issues and Time to Change Wales is their Welsh arm (surprisingly) and I am a Champion and Ambassador on their behalf carrying out media duties and such in Welsh and English.
The box is chestnut with a zebrano lid, and the Time to change logo and the words "ydy'r ci du yn dilyn ti....." or for you lot "does the black dog follow you...."
So, here they are:
Thank you for looking!