Thats' very nice, I'm glad the CMM doesn't make lace if you need that many of the same thing.
They normally want them in pairs and they are very fussy about the dimensions I think I still have two left from when I used to make them are you going to dress them with beads as well
Wife's doing the beads, You are right, they re normally in pairs. Sister to this being done tomorrow, then slightly different for each pair afterwards and in different woods.
They are good training for spindle work and new shapes loads of coves and beads enjoy doing them when you have finished the last one compare it with your first one and see how much you will have come on I used to make bobbin carousal's as well and a friend of mine made bobbin winders
There the same as an earring carousel just with bigger holes and slots and with a foot rather than a tray
Nicely done.Got rid of the last of mine not so long ago, the person that had them now wants drop spindles making.
Ian my dearly beloved went through the Lace Making phase we built up an outstanding set up came home one day all gone back to quilting gobsmacked me special pillows the lot. All the best turning them mate the one you showed very neat and different.