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Laser time draws closer....


Full Member
Mar 24, 2015
United Kingdom
First Name
Well a while back I bought a 3w laser module (and glasses of course) with the intention of combining it with my home made CNC machine so I can etch/engrave names/logos etc onto my pens for people who want that.

Not a straightforward thing because even though I can fit the laser into the CNC machine chuck and tell it to do some writing, there's no control over turning the laser on & off though, so this means unwanted burnt bits either between one letter and the next, or at the start/end etc. The power also cannot be varied.

So after a bit of research it seems that the CNC control software (Mach3) can be used with an extra laser driving circuit (Flexmod P3) to get round these obstacles.
Finally got the circuit after waiting what seems like forever, so I have to get it wired up now, and try to sort out the software and tweaks etc necessary.

Anyone else on here done a similar conversion like this? I'm hoping it won't be too awkward o figure out but will be great to be able to offer people their names or slogans on their pens, and also use for options like adding brass powder into the engraved out surface if it's a dark wood for instance.

Pics and progress to follow, but here's the laser module in its heatsink, and a 3d printed housing/shroud I made, to attach to a small 12v fan, which then has a piece attaching on the back of the fan to go in the chuck. Bit rough but should work ok to keep it cool and also blow smoke away from the surface.



Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
All smoke and mirrors to me Jim but we have a few guys on the forum with lazers. Even in isolation I wish you well.



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
I haven't a clue what i am looking at Jim, but i am also interested in how it finishes my friend .. :thumbs:


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Assuming you have done your sums and applied Ohms law the 4 amp flexmod and a 24 volt psu you should draw approx 0.125 amp at 3 watts easily coped with by the unit.
Are you sure the flexmod P3 has switching capabilities?
Are you using Aerduino?
I haven't done a laser conversion nor do I want to but am interested in others results.
I can't help with Mach3 either, they are a bunch of tossers only interested in flogging what they have now and not developing to meet future needs.
Their software will fail when M$ withdraw support for win7 32 bit unless they do something now, I have fallen out with them big time over this as a win 10 tester.
Development of drivers is required, blaming M$ is not good enough, nothing has been removed just moved and I showed them where it was moved to and they refuse to act.
Switch to Linuxcnc if you want to progress.
Back to flexmod P3 have a look here if you haven't already.
CNC Laser for Printing Images and Engraving - Shapeoko 2 based : Setup the Laser Driver (FlexMod P3)...

And this may also help.

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