Many times I have said BM is one of my all time favourites I do believe even so far from Australia the price is right if you could see the conditions under which the guys have to work, the heat exposure,real danger and weight I am sure it would find all round respect for the getters. Dont5 be surprised to see it on a restricted list in the future.
Your bowl displays some of the real flame this burl can develop in pens it has been for me old reliable stable as possible and a chamelion of grain structure depending on the area it was found in. So far the bowls I have seen on this forum seem to be made with Burl from the outside cup of the burl the most incredible comes from slices inside just pure burl some big enough when felled to put a hole in the trailer for sheer weight.
Compliments on your bowl Bob. The burl comes from 1 to 2 thousand miles from my home is transpoerted to places like Canberra and shipped all over the world. May do a small essay from my Mates place a burl timbergetter.

Kind regards Peter.