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Latest pen's finished yesterday


Graduate Member
Jul 18, 2021
Northern Ireland
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Three very nice, different pens..... Well done mate šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»
Thank you very much, I have acrylic blanks but haven't turned any as I prefer wood but not finished with CA glue as I consider it just as a glue. I would love to get a really good shine on my pens so if you have any thoughts on what to use I would be grateful as I'm still learning. Haven't tried Celtic Cross or segmenting as yet as it gets my head in a spin and can't figure it out....


Graduate Member
Jul 18, 2021
Northern Ireland
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Thank you very much Phil that's quite a compliment coming from yourself. Unfortunately being a very old codger I am limited to funds and use a minimum amount for pens each month. So some are way out of my price range as I have only attempted to sell three recently and I would sell the Sierra/Cerra for Ā£20 basically covering the kit, wood and postage and a bit more for my time.....
Do it mostly for fun and therapy.
Hopefully will get some off your kits someday as David Shepherdson has suggested...


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
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Lovely looking pens Tom.

Who said CA is a glue? Penturners say itā€™s a finish that you can use it as an adhesive as well so is an excellent multipurpose finish.

If you want an alternative try chestnut melamine lacquer, not the spray ā€œrattle canā€ version.

There is a file on this forum explaining how to do it, click the the resources tab and you will find it. Called ā€œAchieving success with melamine as a pen finishā€

I switched to it a few years ago now and although it took a while for me to get the hang of it I wouldnā€™t use any other finish now. If you want an ultra glow finish then you will need to allow the lacquer to harden overnight or a little longer if possible.

Hope that helps.

Edited and added link here. Melamine finish
Last edited:

alan morrison

Feb 26, 2019
Co. Down N Ireland
First Name
I prefer wood but not finished with CA glue as I consider it just as a glue.
I agree with Eamonn above.
CA is a useful item in the workshop, for filling holes, cracks, as a sanding sealer, as well as a finish.
I don't use it to glue in tubes but for a hard, clear finish it is hard to beat.
I only apply one or two coats on certain pens, especially segmented ones where colours tend to bleed as this is reduced if applied before sanding.
I have also used it to stop bleeding cuts on my hand.
If you have CA it is recommended to keep it in a fridge.
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