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Graduate Member
Jul 18, 2021
Northern Ireland
First Name
Well done mate, two very nice pens there 👍🏻👍🏻
Thanks Flexi much appreciated, haven't been doing much as I haven't got my home lathe set up yet, waiting till after holidays to order a shed and transfer everything into it. Height of worktops in garage are too high and apart from that great grandkids toys are all over the place in it.
Do most of work in the Men's shed but unfortunately one off the three lathes gave up the ghost and packed in . And with new members number of people wanting to do lathe work has risen to eight.... so first come first served I was able to get four blanks ready to turn and just got started before someone else arrived. So just turned the two and finished. So came off and assembled the two so someone else could use the lathe as two more members turned up...
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