Don't like the idea of the arm with glove and coat sleeve over the turning lathe, just me I spose..
What is the Health and safety act? I know it does not pertain to me as I am in a different nation. As is the original poster of the video.
I can however, show you where medical safety is at risk by *NOT* using covering.
It is actually the Health and Safety at work act 1974 with many revisions and additions.
One can do whatever one wants in their own premises but the moment they show themselves doing something without warnings they become liable for prosecution.
We cannot be seen to condone the use of gloves or lose clothing near machinery, long hair should be tied back and tucked in or under hat.
There are times when gloves should be worn and times when not.
Something as simple as using cloth to apply CA, you can use it yourself but must teach the use of paper not cloth.
Whether at work or not the act applies, if the student is making pens in his / her shed and making them for sale then their shed becomes deemed as a place of work.
Over the top legislation and sue anyone lawyers mean we can't fart in a strong wind without looking all round to see whom we may hurt or offend.
I visited a customer who had a broken leg and asked if I could put his rubbish bin out for the refuse collector, sorry but no I can't until the path and bin have been risk assessed and signed off as safe, how stupid is that?
As for allergies, if appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) cannot be provided then the operative is to stay away from allergen.