Hi I have been ask to show how I make an 8 sided life bowl 8" x 2" so here we go this is for those who have never done it before most of it is self explanatory by the photos first find the centre and mark a circle the full size of the blank if like me you haven't got the proper 45deg square then you can use the fence from your saw/ bandsaw set it to 45 deg and mark the corners right up to the circle then cut them off I used a screw chuck but a faceplate will do the same turn all the outside including a recesses or like me a foot to grip it in the chuck to remove the inside doing this I start from the middle with the flute facing you and draw it towards me to about half way then work from the outside to form the shape and to prevent any breakout sand and polish and I thinh that is about it please if I haven't explained if fully ask as many questions as you like no matter how silly they may seem the only silly question is the one you dont ask enjoy I will be running a 7 day auction on another post of the bowl for cancer research with Joan Baigrie and she will be making the donation please give generously