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mandrel saver?


Apprentice Member
Feb 19, 2023
Stoke on Trent UK
First Name
Just started Pen Making, why are Mandrel Savers so expensive? Also there seems to be different names for an hollow centre. Having said all that where is the best place to buy one?


Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
First Name
Just to throw a spanner in the works also... Some mandrels can vary in size fractionally which means the saver can be baggy or slightly tight.... I found it out with a baggy one... I now use an Axi evolution combined mandrel and saver.
Alternatively you could turn between centers and do away with both... Taylors Mirfield do some Bush adapters.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Just to throw a spanner in the works also... Some mandrels can vary in size fractionally which means the saver can be baggy or slightly tight.... I found it out with a baggy one... I now use an Axi evolution combined mandrel and saver.
Alternatively you could turn between centers and do away with both... Taylors Mirfield do some Bush adapters.
I modified my mandrel saver that had that problem Mark, put a 60 degree taper on the end of the mandrel saver and then used home made square end bush that has the 60degree taper on the other end so it always sits snug in to the mandrel saver. I have a double ended 60degree taper as well. Usually do the between centres rather than the mandrel if that the case. But works well for me and can continue to use the mandrel saver with minimal issues.
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