Thought I'd had a brainwave today. What about a pen with a Champagne Cork coat on it? I thought it would be great for all you wedding pen/celebration pen makers, so I scrounged some corks, glued 3 together to make a blank, cut it in half to make the two halves of a Slimline kit with a streamline C/B. I don't know if anyone else has tried drilling or turning cork on a lathe but it's a nightmare. I must have use 2 bottles of thin CA and half a bottle of medium C/A just to stabilise the cork, both down the tube holes and on the surface whilst cutting. Even with a sharp skew at a very shallow angle still ripped the cork, so there was a lot of swearing and a lot of sanding. Anyway, I completed this one after about 5 hours faffing about, I don't think I'll be doing another!