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My Closed End...C & C ...yes please


Jun 18, 2014
First Name

I spent quite some time trying to work out what makes a great pen
gave up on that idea and just let it flow
I am not sure anyone needs to know how it was made, but here goes It will probably be very boring

both blanks were cut in half..way over length
I then drilled one of each half on the lathe to take the tubes
I then cut them down on the Bandsaw (still slightly over length) and sanded all the ends using proedge to get them smooth and square
plenty of medium CA to glue them to tube and also to mate the surfaces
clamped up with F clamp and left to dry
they was then sanded again to final length
Peter had made me a mandrel so I was at an advantage to some
I had no way to hold mandrel in chuck (too small) and too big to go in my Jacobs
never mind I turned a circle and drilled it out too small for mandrel
I then cut the wood circle in quarters and mounted this along with mandrel in my chuck jaws
as I was getting close to final diameter i could see it was out of centre
so i grabbed my adjustable mandrel and shortend it down so it just touched the end with bushing fitted and finished it off with the tailstock snugged up
only trouble was i could then not get a nice round end..so out came the hacksaw and sliced at an angle
hence the weird shape



Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name

I spent quite some time trying to work out what makes a great pen
gave up on that idea and just let it flow
I am not sure anyone needs to know how it was made, but here goes It will probably be very boring

both blanks were cut in half..way over length
I then drilled one of each half on the lathe to take the tubes
I then cut them down on the Bandsaw (still slightly over length) and sanded all the ends using proedge to get them smooth and square
plenty of medium CA to glue them to tube and also to mate the surfaces
clamped up with F clamp and left to dry
they was then sanded again to final length
Peter had made me a mandrel so I was at an advantage to some
I had no way to hold mandrel in chuck (too small) and too big to go in my Jacobs
never mind I turned a circle and drilled it out too small for mandrel
I then cut the wood circle in quarters and mounted this along with mandrel in my chuck jaws
as I was getting close to final diameter i could see it was out of centre
so i grabbed my adjustable mandrel and shortend it down so it just touched the end with bushing fitted and finished it off with the tailstock snugged up
only trouble was i could then not get a nice round end..so out came the hacksaw and sliced at an angle
hence the weird shape


I thought the end of the pen was your own design and it was something that I thought was bold and was something that attracted me to your pen, I feel cheated:funny:



Little Grandad
Jun 18, 2013
Solihull - A Tyke in Exile
First Name
Well I like the shape wierd or not, not in my book.

I didn't feel confident enough to have a bash so I take my hat off to all of you who did.


Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
Love what you did Steve the slanted end has a strange attraction to it every thing says I shouldn't like it but I do I think it was very brave of you to step outside of the box well done


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Is yours the one with blue and white acrylic, Steve? That one so nearly got my vote! In the end two things took my vote elsewhere: (a) it was plastic (yes I am that shallow), and (b) you can just see a small line of glue between the White and blue. The line is not 'crisp'. Neither of which are major faults, if I had had two votes that pen would have got one.

I love the angle of the barrel end - I migt pinch that sometime soon!


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Guess you fooled us all Steve, as that tail end sure looks as though it was meant to be there .. It is easy to say this after the race has finished, but i am guessing that this may have been the nearly pen .. I say this as i came back to this for second looks, but the reason that i didn't vote on it was what David picks up on, the joints .. The style and finish of the pen is up there with all the others in the comp .. I know it sounds pinicky but it was a contest and my words doesn't stop me from liking it .. :thumbs:

Vic Perrin

Executive Member
Feb 23, 2014
Rugeley Staffs
First Name
Steve, I liked the design of your pen and I think that you were very brave to introduce such a bold design into a competition. It's great to see someone do something different. Out of all the pens entered I think that yours will be remembered for its unique shape. The finish on the pen was outstanding. It was my second choice . It is certainly a shape that I am going to have a go at.



Jun 18, 2014
First Name
Is yours the one with blue and white acrylic, Steve? That one so nearly got my vote! In the end two things took my vote elsewhere: (a) it was plastic (yes I am that shallow), and (b) you can just see a small line of glue between the White and blue. The line is not 'crisp'. Neither of which are major faults, if I had had two votes that pen would have got one.

I love the angle of the barrel end - I migt pinch that sometime soon!

that is the camera lying David

no glue line
just the camera confused between colours

and yes plastic not for eveyone


maybe I do one in wood with the angle and see what thoughts are

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