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My Finished Pens Mahogany from Farhan


Full Member
Apr 4, 2013
Hello John I have Made my pens. USED I Mahogany wood for 14ct gold and sterling silver vintage NIB and for clips and Band.

I got my 14 ct nibs, sections and bits to make nib and sections work from a vintage pen parts supplier in the north of England.

I ordered my Sterling Silver clips and bands from a Silver pen parts manufacturer in America.

I got one pen band engraved with my name from Central London engraver.

I had help from a London wood turner who helped when I got stuck.

The London based wood Turner HAD A wood in His Workshop Shed, and Gave advice and guidance and the use of His Workshop. The London Turner Helped wood finish off my pens as I am novice.

I had a problem as band diameter was slightly smaller than nib section so we decided to put the band at the bottom.

I used Mahogany for my pens and it took a some time I spent 4 hours trying to make my friends pen, then as it was nearly 16:30 and I live 90 minutes away, as I live in West London the wood turner lives just the very Tip of North London. I Decided It WAS the Turner Would finish off my pens and posted Them to me.

The total cost was £ 123.01 including use of the workshop excluding the £ 15 for engraving for my pen.

I look forward for comments of aesthetics of my two fountain pens.






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