You have made exactly what I made when I started, and boy was I proud of them!! Then Walter made me a pen in exchange for some wood that I sent him, at that point I understood the level to achieve. So then I bettered it.(
sorry Walter).... But I still use the pen he made me every day (despite it having gone through the washing machine 3 times now) WALTER whose mechanism was it? I need more, its still working (if a bit stiffly)!!
So as a critique, you have a made a couple of nice pens that you should be proud of, keep them as point of reference and the next ones should mate up precisely to the metal bits (ie there should be no discernible step from the wood to the metal).
The finish is important; if your photo can show you taking the photo before you apply a finish you will have made a perfect finish. I agree that's a slight exaggeration but when I finish my pens (and I suspect many others here have the same result) before I apply any polish, the wood or acrylic is shining (and they feel smoother than silk) . You should aim for a final sanding which is so good that applying either polish or ca merely seals the wood and makes the wood finish more permanent. I have now given up BLO/CA as a finish because my sanding sealer, Beal buffing system makes a much more tactile and aesthetically pleasing finish and people comment on it and buy seconds. Finishing normally occupies about 60% of the total manufacturing time of any wooden item if its done well.
Hope that helps