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My lucky day


Full Member
Jul 5, 2013
Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
Went to see a very nice lady today who runs a smart gift/card shop locally with a view to her stocking my pens on a sale or return basis.
She was very pleased with what she saw when a shop customer looked into the box of pens and said can I buy one and pointed to a slimline.
The shopkeeper said to the customer you should see the pens he has in the case. I opened a couple of boxes and she said can I have that one instead
(a cigar pen) until I opened up a Thuya Baron rollerball. I'll have it she said I said you don't know how much it is yet to which she replied
I don't care my husband will love it. One sold rollerball. And yes the shop keeper has agreed to let be show a number of my pens on a permanent basis.
A good day all round.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Well done Maurice, having the lady there at the same time as you are trying to get your pens into the shop is great timing for sure ... :thumbs:


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Great ploy mate it worked getting mum to buy one you can give her the money back now and resell it.
Best of luck lets hope you have many sales for years to come.
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