I was a bit concerned when I heard Peter's kit turned up without it's tubes and the ensuing chat about the pissabolity of the blank splitting on assembly as this is an issue I have experienced with these kits before.
On opening the kit it looked the same as any other Jnr Gent I have encountered, I am not impressed with the plastic insert and thread going on a metal thread, I have heard all the arguments and reasons but still don't like this setup but that is my foible, the kit is what it is and I have to put up with it or not use them.
I thought I would kill two birds with one stone here I have a free kit to use and had some snakewood blanks to turn for Lee so ideal for Lee to have this.
All seemed to go well until it came to assembly when sure enough the inevitable happened, yes the nib and the cap finial forced the tube to expand to a rate where it did indeed split the blank.
I do believe there is a tube sizing issue with these kits that has never been resolved.
I know Neil has done many of this sized kit and did mean to ask him which drill he uses, but I didn't
Looking at Timberbits destruction's David gives: Drill Bit required – 25/64" (or 10mm) & 15/32". I have all of these and used a 10mm for the bottom tube so that may be a failing on my part if so that should be deleted from the destruction's init?
Or a set of correct destruction's issued with the kit, it is one or the other and should not be a choice if you want success every time.
Anyway on to the pics I am still messing with my camera and what looks good on my screen may look awful to you so let me know on that score I know you will.
And here is Dan's pic with his card.
This is the split that I am not happy about maybe it could open debate, is it the tube or the drill size or the blank or just me being a plonker?
Disappointed with that effort I immediately picked a kit I know to be 10mm and turn this one from the same wood in the same circumstances.
On opening the kit it looked the same as any other Jnr Gent I have encountered, I am not impressed with the plastic insert and thread going on a metal thread, I have heard all the arguments and reasons but still don't like this setup but that is my foible, the kit is what it is and I have to put up with it or not use them.
I thought I would kill two birds with one stone here I have a free kit to use and had some snakewood blanks to turn for Lee so ideal for Lee to have this.
All seemed to go well until it came to assembly when sure enough the inevitable happened, yes the nib and the cap finial forced the tube to expand to a rate where it did indeed split the blank.
I do believe there is a tube sizing issue with these kits that has never been resolved.
I know Neil has done many of this sized kit and did mean to ask him which drill he uses, but I didn't
Looking at Timberbits destruction's David gives: Drill Bit required – 25/64" (or 10mm) & 15/32". I have all of these and used a 10mm for the bottom tube so that may be a failing on my part if so that should be deleted from the destruction's init?
Or a set of correct destruction's issued with the kit, it is one or the other and should not be a choice if you want success every time.
Anyway on to the pics I am still messing with my camera and what looks good on my screen may look awful to you so let me know on that score I know you will.
And here is Dan's pic with his card.
This is the split that I am not happy about maybe it could open debate, is it the tube or the drill size or the blank or just me being a plonker?
Disappointed with that effort I immediately picked a kit I know to be 10mm and turn this one from the same wood in the same circumstances.