Pleasing color. Will it remain or darken with age?
I agonised over this question over thirty years, consulted as many authorities possible. The answer is yes but dont leave the cut logs in the sun, the largest one had been by the timber getter for months. I gave it a slight hurry up and there was the colour waiting. Age does not diminish the colour which is so securely enclosed. The timber is heavy. I will get a new blade for my big band saw before I cut some up.
Weather 4-10 C today a forever record of rain for us, love the rain after so many years of drought. I t keeps us sustained, I have no recollection nor my father before me of a weather event across Australia. My Dad an accountant kept a rain guage etc logged the weather he was a fanatic gardener et al. Making progress slowly no pain but the cold prohibits or limits shed time..
I compare the density of Conkerberry with Olive tree wood, both tough,heavy and slow drying, slow growing, the former more of a shrub tree.
My mate from Cootamundra the most expert of tree getters and identification finds Conkerberry an enigma he travels right through Sth Australia, Northern Territory, Nth Queensland. The tree is low growing it appears to have a symbiotic relationship with other tree roots. He is tough, resilient and I look forward to him coming over for the Working With Wood Show in the next month or so.