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Jun 18, 2013
Pontyclun, South Wales
First Name
Dear experts,

I've been asked to make a Chairman fountain pen, but the recipient wants a medium italic nib.

I've found countless nibs, but have no idea if they are suitable for the chairman or not.

Does anyone have any idea or experience in changing out nibs on fountain pens, if so, your help/guidance/advice would be much appreciated.



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Gav, Pete B is up on nibs, he may be able to help out if he sees this ... :thinks:


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Gav, you're looking for a No. 6 nib to fit the Chairman. Not sure if you can get an italic without having it especially ground for you? PeteB will know (and he supplies good quality German nibs) - why not pop him a PM?

Pete B

Apr 22, 2013
Almost in Northumberland
Hi Gav,

I don't make the Chairman as yet but it looks like a Gents.
Most nibs in kits are normally as far as i have found either 5mm or 6mm, if this is the size of a full size Gents its mora than Likely 6mm.
To get the nib out is easy. Just unscrew the carrier and nib from the front grip section.
Then holding the nib with your thumb over the top of the breather hole and your thumb facing the plastic or ebonite, section and your forefinger underneath.
The grip the section with your other hand.
Depending on the carrier most either pull out or you have to turn the nib slightly, then pull out.
Then if your new nib is the same size place it over the feed part (combs) and replace.
Keeping the distances exactly the same as the original nib was, ie equally placed either side of the combs, and the nib point, the same distance from the feed as it was etc.
Thats a very basic idea as i am not an expert but they are out there.
If the nib won't budge drop into a cup of hot bit not boiling water for a minute or so and it should come apart.
I have had to do the same thing to replace a nib, it came out ok but wouldn't go back in without a little help.

I can sell you a JoWo nib but not Bock, but for an Italic grind i can get them done easily but simply pass the cost of the grind on, but its not cheap at £40 plus the nib. I'm not allowed to charge less. But there are lost of variations, crisp, cursive etc etc fine, medium, broad, extra fine, extra extra fine.
I can't put you in touch with the chap directly but there are several people in the UK who grind nibs apparently but i only know the one.

A very good website is here RichardsPens.com • Pens That Write Right!

A video that shows how to do better than my very poor description is here How to replace a fountain pen nib - YouTube

Pelikan pens offer a nib grinding service for £30 plus i presume the price of their nib, but i don't think the carrier will fit a Chairman but the nib might. If it is the same shape, ie same base shape and width, same size across wings and same overall length. Its a bit trial and error sometimes. But i have jad customers for branded pens simply swop over the nib and use their own carrier. Pelikan Fountain Pen Nibs | Pelikan Pens UK, the Online Pelikan Specialist and Fountain Pen Nib Shop

Hope this helps

PM me if i can help futher




Jun 18, 2013
Pontyclun, South Wales
First Name

Thank you so much for that reply! Plenty to think about.

How much would a JoWo no 6 be without the grind?

Thank you again!


Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

Pete B

Apr 22, 2013
Almost in Northumberland
Hi Gave,
i haven't updated the buy/sell on here but i sell the larger size for £12.99 delivered so they will be £11.99 on here. Prices went up to me a few weeks ago.
I took them off a website a have where i sell a few blanks as i sell more nibs to pen customers and pen owners, than i do to pen makers, so i only list them on a pen website now.
I can probably do it for £51 delivered in either polished steel, two tone steel which is gold plated, and solid plated gold. Depends what will suit your pen blank. That would be first classpost, recorded would be at cost if you wanted it.
If your customer has just said Italic, can i suggest either stub italic or cursive crisp italic. The stub is more rounded and will write easier because of the more rounded edges but the cursive crisp will give more line variation and effectively write more italic, but it will be a bit scratchier.



Don't overlook Pelikan though as they are cheaper
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