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None UK pen kit supplier


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Just to follow up on BradG thread.

Is it worth putting together a list of None uk suppliers we have all dealt with on here so that every member can find a list of suppliers? (Good and not so good)

We could get our moderators to pin it to the first page as well.. (Please big boss Doug..oh and bigger boss Jim..) :praying::whistling:

Let's make this thread None UK only, I have raised another thread for UK suppliers.

Suppliers name.
Customer service.
Quality of kits, (I know it's subjective and personal expectations but price alone doesn't make them high quality.)
Delivery time
Postage charges.

Provided we cover those items above then everyone can make their own mind up.l

There is even a chance for all you SLEEPING members to put your thoughts in the forum..:devil:

Let's keep it on track as much as we can as well eh?


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
Suppliers name. Bear Tooth Woods
Customer service. Excellent
Quality of kits. Budget to mid-range.
Delivery time. Standard USPS delivery times (2-3 weeks)
Postage charges. Just over USPS rates (presumably to cover packaging costs). (small packet currently $27.99 (£18.25))

Suppliers name. Silver Pen Parts
Customer service. Excellent
Quality of kits. High end kits and components (plus taps and dies for kitless)
Delivery time. About two weeks if I remember correctly
Postage charges. At cost (e-mail for quote)


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Spot on, thanks Mark and Walter..:thumbs:

But it's not what I wanted, I think it's what the forum wants.:thumbs:

If we could get this fixed on the thread at least everyone has a good access to suppliers.

I'm sure there are allot of others on the forum to put their none UK suppliers on here as well. :praying:


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
Just remembered I have used these guys before for (genuine) PSI kits that I was unable to source in the UK. Cant remember the exact details but the transaction was painless and the goods arrived fairly quickly.

Suppliers name. WoodTurningz
Customer service. Transaction was without problems
Quality of kits. Wide range of PSI kits from budget to high end.
Delivery time. About 2-3 weeks
Postage charges. Can't remember but didn't cause me to have a conniption at the time.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Suppliers name. Craft Supplies USA https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/
Customer service. Excellent
Quality of kits. Budget to mid-range.
Delivery time. Standard USPS delivery times (2-3 weeks)
Postage charges. small packet currently $27.99 (£18.25)
They do do a good bulk discount on the better quality kits.
Don't forget to add the import Tax of around 8% handling charges (By Royal mail) and VAT to the total sum, That is including the postage and insurance costs for any supplier in the USA to the UK.

As a rule if you change the $ price of the USA to the £ price landed you won't be far off the landed cost to the UK.
(if its advertised at $10 then you will pay around £10 landed, if that makes sense.)

Following that rule then you wont be in for any surprises. only good ones as it should come in cheaper if you buy larger quantities.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Suppliers name. Lau Lau pen kits http://www.laulaupenkits.com/
Customer service. good to excellent service
Quality of kits. Small selection of kits but Aaron and Jill are trying to do the same as Dan by having kits to their own spec.
Delivery time. . About 2-3 weeks
Postage charges. Much the same as any other USA supplier.

They do the simplicity "Parker" type slim kits. 8mm tubes and felt they are a good compromise o the Cross slimline kit.
Warning! This thread has not had any replies for over a year. You are welcome to post a reply here, but it might be better to start a new thread (and maybe include a link to this one if you need to).