Soon fill up Walter. and also don't wear tops that the wood sticks to thank goodness I now have a smock the only disadvantage is it gets to hot to wear
my missess was so pleased when i got home and covered the kitchen floor when i took them off
My suggestion is face the other way Walter. A man of your consummate skills could pull that off with ease
A masterstroke Derek. No-one needs a smock after all.No just put the t shirt on back to front the pocket will not then be in range of the shavings as well as the neck also being higher will help stop bits dropping down the inside
Mind you it makes it awkward to get to the pencil in the pocket
Think we have all been there..... the best i have done is hung 6 doors with a power planner and filled the turn ups on my missess was so pleased when i got home and covered the kitchen floor when i took them off
The easy way to sole this is to turn bare chested, problem solved.
Ooh err Tarzan. Are we to infer that you have tried it. Don't tell [MENTION=1181]Bammer[/MENTION] - he'll be round with his video camara.You clearly have't tried that Mark, unless you don't have any chest hair
You clearly have't tried that Mark, unless you don't have any chest hair
Of all the advice Woodturners give no one mentions that no matter how far your shed is away from the house or how hard the wind blows or how hard you shake yourself the shavings don't drop off until both feet are firmly over the threshold. A lesson leaned....the hard way.