
Hi, Guys,
OK, some time ago, His Benevolence, Lord Woody, send me a stick of spalted flame beech and a stick of cross-cut padauk. These woods were new to me and both had interesting features, so therefore worthy of becoming Sedonas. Or so I thought! The padauk blew up during turning, and stuff me if half the beech didn't go the same way! Out of store came the sackcloth and ashes, along with the self-flagellating whip, and I gave myself a thorough lashing, and finished up with some free-fall drops from several footbridges traversing the M20 Motorway. Unfortunately I survived all this punishment, which allowed me to return to some form of sanity. After snatching up the remaining scrap of flame beech I found it to be just long enough to fit a Lucida. And that's all, she effing wrote!!!