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One more Convertible Alpha this time in an acrylic black pearl


Mar 2, 2014
Lincoln, UK
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This time we have another Alpha Convertible, this time in an acrylic black pearl again from The Pen Rod Co. via Vince at The Turners Workshop, again very easily turned. The blank is basically black with silver in it, the photo doesn't really do it justice, looks great in the hand.

I have now done 5 Alphas and finding them ok to work with, a bit fiddly with the centreband being in 3 parts but follow Dan's instructions and you should be fine, his idea of having a block with a 12.5mm hole in it, into which you press the centreband works fine (the large tube needs a 12.5mm drill, I used a spare piece of acrylic blank), just ensure you have the items as square as possible, otherwise the plating on the largest part may scrape off leaving you with some sharp edges around the decorative band.

Make sure you get both the nib coupler & end coupler the right way round, including the ring facing the right direction, they're a bugger to get back out once you've pressed them in, fortunately I only wrecked one pen getting this wrong, still i've now got a few spare parts.

As I mentioned on one of the other threads, if you want to upgrade the supplied converter to a smart Beaufort Ink one you're going to be disappointed,the Beaufort just doesn't fit through the Alpha hardware. You may be able to file the hardware out a little 0.03mm should do it, I will try this at the weekend.

On the whole I am very happy with the TM Alpha Kit, a good quality kit that I a sure will sell well for both Dan and we penturners.

alpha rb blk pearl-1004 350 x 600.jpgalpha rb blk pearl-1009 600 x 600.jpg
alpha rb blk pearl-1010 600 x 600.jpgalpha rb blk pearl-1006 350 x 600.jpg


Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
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Oooh....personaly i like the colour of the last one, but that suits the kit like a hand in a glove.....another superb pen:thumbs:...going to have to try one soon


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
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Billy I have a mate who years ago in Sydney had a close friend who owned a soft top convertible Rolls Royce the car owner went away for three months and left his car with my mate this type of soft top was a pain in the bum you had to leave the glove box unlocked and open at all times it had been vandalised (great cost each time restoring) the soft top cut through with knives.

I was quite relieved to see your two pens this morning no soft tops loved them both.



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Your choice of blanks for these kits have been spot on Billy, they do look good my friend .. :thumbs:
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