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One Piece Slimline Purpleheart


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
No doubt in my mind its convenient would harmonise any desk just glancing across should be comforting to users it follows all most famous pen manufacturers shaping except the tip shaping where individual license begins.

Colour also depends on the lighting and the camera influence from here it is neat and different.

One really weird situation in pen kits is the transition to the nib and keeping strength in the timber where the most pressure takes place, I admire this. I also note how many of us look to pay so little trying to squeeze so much money from buyers to create high profit margins. Following this theme I stress to those who receive my pens these pens are not designed for rough and tough useage, they deserve consideration as does a watch, other accessories purpose made cared for.

Angelo I like your work.

Kind regards Peter.:thumbs:
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