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Pen swap from david (timberbits)


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
I received this Pen from David some years ago he had only been turning anything on a lathe for 6 mths already possessing tremendous aptitude and application. Because we only lived 300 km from one another we met at a National Woodies Show called the annual Working With Wood Show I used to always attend. His pen making is in the top shelf catagory and has become my good friend.

The Pen made of New Guinea Rosewood, the Burl form Amboyna Gold or Red related to the Rosewoods around the world. This pen simply glows also displays just how many variations in colour timber can grow to and display. I treasure this pen in my collection with so many swaps around the world. I recently completed a double swap in America my last swap freight is becoming a luxury item to us these days, some swaps cost me 70.00 of our dollars in freight alone sometimes I have made elaborate Burl pen rests etc to go with them. Thanks again David.

Kind regards Peter.


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Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
The pens i have seen from David have all been with a super finish, this one can also be added to that list. Super looking pen ... :bwink:
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