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Penturning in the New Year


Full Member
Nov 16, 2013
With the New Year fast approaching and we all got new tools and gizmos and gadgets for the shop, it is time to start thinking about what we want to do with this hobby of penturning??? We all need to step up our game. We all need to try new things. We all need to step out into the unknown and experience some new techniques or challenges in the world of penturning. Stop making those same type pens you feel comfortable with. ( i undestand if you have orders and such) What I am talking about is doing some new things to that round stick.

I will be doing quite afew new things and using different materials. I have never done a 360 degree herringbone pattern pen before but this year I will give it a try and if I can get the workings down I have a terrific idea that I would like to pay tribute to a fellow penturner that made the design that I had seen. I will again expand my segmenting skills. I may even try some scrollsawing and turning into the same pen design. I will be casting some watch pens that I always wanted to try. I have some cool ideas for this too. I maybe doing some more closed end pens with some different looks.

I need to get myself some taps and dies so that I could create my own pen from scratch to finish. Again I have ideas floating in my head but this may have to wait. I will see how things work out in this area.

I know I will be pushing myself a bit more this year because I like challenges. I know these things sound somewhat ambitous and they surely are. I hope to be able to share some of these ideas and pictures with you all in the coming year. I want to take the journey of my penmaking down a new path. I am hoping others will join me as we turn the page on another year. You all got your feet wet so it is now time to take pen making to new heights.

I know for me things have not always gone the way I planned due to health issues and family issues in the past but with Gods hands I hope to be able to have some fun in the shop this year. I am just now getting back that adrenilin rush to create new things again. As many probably had happen or may even be going through it now, we all get burnt out or fall into the dulldrones and stay away from the shop. But that sawdust is flowing in our veins and it comes back. For me it is slowly coming back.

What say you all??? Lets have a great New Year and I look foward to seeing some new creations out there. Lets have some fun. I would like to hear your New Year resoultions in the pen turning field. :thumbs:


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
John, I plan to perfect the custom fountain pen in 2014, adding a syringe filler to the bulb filler, as well as making kitless RB's and CC fountain pens. I have a few segmentation ideas I will be trying as well as some more adventurous barrel shapes.

Tool-wise I'd like to get my 4th axis going and maybe - just maybe - get either a laser mill or a 3D printer into service ... but that might be a little ambitious!


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Jul 12, 2013
at home
First Name
I will leave all that stuff to you young uns bin there and done it when I want a challenge I stick the biggest log I can find on the lathe and attack it to me nothing is more beautiful than exposing the wonderful grains shapes found in a log enjoy your quest


Full Member
Nov 16, 2013
I will leave all that stuff to you young uns bin there and done it when I want a challenge I stick the biggest log I can find on the lathe and attack it to me nothing is more beautiful than exposing the wonderful grains shapes found in a log enjoy your quest

I respect that but you haven't been there and done that because it hasn't been done yet.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
I am with you John, i just need the time and energy to get into the shed more, long working hours don't help but let us see how the year pans out .. A great motivational thread BTW ... :thumbs:


Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
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Take a guess
I've never been one to make plans or resolutions as no sooner are they made then fate usually decrees to put a spanner in the works.

I always like a challenge particularly with my hobby of turning as this is what keeps it feeling fresh & exciting, doing the same thing time after time would soon loose its appeal.

So having come back to making pens after quite a break from them I'm thankful to this forum for once again inspiring me to push further than I did before, which is what I intend to carry on with for the foreseeable future.

I've always liked to see whatever people have handmade in whatever their chosen craft & this is no different with turning, I draw inspiration from so many quarters & this is why I enjoy the internet so much.

I look forward to seeing the work everyone posts up in 2014 & will take this opportunity to wish you all a safe, happy & prosperous new year.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Coach John,

You should be on Obamas team mate he needs lifting for so many reasons. On this forum the level you are at and are attempting requires equipment and application way and over normal, wish you success and satisfaction I do appreciate your instruction level it makes good reading.

Kind regards Peter.:thumbs:


Nov 6, 2011
First Name
I work away for up to 4 or 5 weeks driving for a big logistic firm so dont really have much time to spend in the workshop but the time i am in there i treasure and love making pens. I mainly make sierra pens but would love to get in to making other kits so 2014 may be the time to expand. :thumbs:


Wood Rat
Executive Member
Jan 5, 2013
First Name
I will continue making pens out of wood but I'm going to try to be selective and use unusual woods. Also got to branch out into bowls and boxes

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