A special thank you for your replies, I will try and answer the questions and comments.
Vic: Sorry to say those long black flexible tubes are deer calls, nothing to do with Ann yet.
Buckeye: The mature cheese blocks are actually Red Mallee burl, I include these with my display, many customers do not know what a burl is, it also stimulates conversation.
Jim: The finish on the mushroom is CA buff to 12,000 grit and polished with medium gloss wax.
Pen Pal: I use by business cards as hangtags with the product info printed on the back. I do not have an instruction sheet for replacing a refill, I usually show the customer how it is done while they are in my booth.
The show I just completed was a two day show here in Plattsburgh and the largest show in this immediate area with about 5,000 people attending, I have one more show coming up and I will done for the season.
Plattsburgh, NY is a small city on shore of Lake Champlain, we are in extreme northern New York about 17 miles from the Canadian border and 60 miles from Montreal, Quebec 50 miles from Lake Placid NY in the Adirondacks, just across the lake from Burlington Vt.