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Pig's ear


Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
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A mistake is a learning lesson never taken!!
We all make them, thank you for sharing!!
No2 will be a much better pen, that said you are the master of segmenting... I really need to try something whilst I have the time at the mo


Graduate Member
Sep 18, 2019
north york (gods own county)
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Thanks Ian. With hindsight I should have just used the same beech that I used for the background of the knots.
With all due respect Alan , I disagree. The beech would not blend due to the glue lines around the knot and either a very white timber or a yellow one like Boxwood would contrast gently with it . I think that would enhance it and as neither sycamore nor Box have prominent grain the Knots would stand out more .

Either way you’re streets ahead of me on technique 🙏

alan morrison

Feb 26, 2019
Co. Down N Ireland
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With all due respect Alan , I disagree. The beech would not blend due to the glue lines around the knot and either a very white timber or a yellow one like Boxwood would contrast gently with it . I think that would enhance it and as neither sycamore nor Box have prominent grain the Knots would stand out more .

Either way you’re streets ahead of me on technique 🙏
Thanks for your comments, Ian. I get what you say about the glue lines, and agree with you.
I challenged myself to make an over/under knot, which took a bit of working out, but the placement of the knots in a pen were not given the same consideration.
I will give this another couple of goes and see if I can sit the knots in a pen better.
I will take on board your comments. I think that maple may work as well.
Aug 21, 2023
Folly Gate, Okehampton, Devon
First Name
Thanks for your comments, Ian. I get what you say about the glue lines, and agree with you.
I challenged myself to make an over/under knot, which took a bit of working out, but the placement of the knots in a pen were not given the same consideration.
I will give this another couple of goes and see if I can sit the knots in a pen better.
I will take on board your comments. I think that maple may work as well.
I think it looks great👍🏼
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