If the first picture is the true colour the Sycamore Burl is gentle, subtle and detailed , all of the turned endings are simply outstanding leading into this kit that reflects a kind of purity to the timber used. These days choosing between chrome and gold matters not when the resulting pen oozes class Woody the overall effect the pic taken open and the one closed amply demonstrate your achievement. How under stated is that small circle of gold so essential in lifting the pen to new heights.
Time is so important to me reviewing the impact from this pen please be assured it was not possible for me to let this occasion pass without saying care and critical attention to detail make this pen a standout example of how to present a pen.:waver:
Kind regards Peter.
It is indeed the natural colour of sycamore burr. We tend to expect burrs used in turning to be rather dark but there are a number of pale European timbers that produce 'white' burrs and sycamore is a super example. The pale colour lends lightness and dignity to the finished piece without losing the 'drama' of the burr. And Woody has executed it so
well !
David you can use the photo to promote your blanks it you want to and to be honest the ones I got from you are the best I have ever seen
And Woody has executed it so
well !