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Graduate Member
May 4, 2014
First Name
I have come across a retired joiner with a lot of different hardwoods that he has hoarded over the years and is cutting them to pen blanks. I have bought some of these blanks and very pleased with them and the cost is very good. I have asked him if he would sell to forum members which he is prepared to do. He sells packs of 26 in total.All are 150mm long x 19mm/20mm square. SAPELE MAHOGANY, ENG. OAK, RED GRANDIS, BRAZILIAN MAHOGANY, TEAK, IDIGBO, DOUGLASS FIR, SCOTS PINE, EUROPEAN ELM, SWEET CHESTNUT, AMERICAN BLACK WALNUT, AGBA, MAKORE, AFZELIA, AFRORMOSIA, OBECHE, RAMIN, PARANA PINE.
ALL 26 Blanks for £12 including Postage . The pictures are some of blanks I received.

He tells me he also has Bowl Blanks, BRAZILIAN MAHHOGANY, EUROPEAN ELM, SAPELE, TEAK, and a few others

Your next step is to contact direct


Is name is Ray

Please tell him Glen as given you the details

Glen :winking:


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