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Re-inventing the wheel ...


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
So I've been battling with a wooden bulb-filler for what seems like decades now. Three or four attempts all ended in the bin, so I went back to the drawing board. The major grief I was having was that the barrel and blind cap turned off-centre, so I decided first off that I needed a solid 'skeleton' for the pen. Seems like overkill. But hey go! Here's what it looks like:



With that done, i glued the barrel tube into the blank then cross-drilled to insert the acrylic rod. Then I turned the barrel and blind cap on shop-made mandrel, then put them together on another one for final sanding:



Not pictured is the section which is also turned and finished. It seems I've finally cleared the off-centre turning hurdle. Next up is the feed conversion - two Gents pen feeds are already in the bin ...



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
I wish i could get odds at Billy Hills on this not beating you David .. :thumbs: Keep at it my friend i can see the horizon .. :bwink:
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