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Resurrection 2 "the difficult second offering"


Full Member
Jun 6, 2023
First Name
Some of you may have seen my first Resurrection post 'Resurrecting the ones that go wrong' today I had another go at remaking a badly made pen.

A wooden one this time and deconstruction went well, but then things started to go wrong.

I drop one of the small parts in a almost full bin,
dust extraction would not work,
got a lovely melamine finish but managed to split the wood so had to sand back everything and redo with CA.
Then dropped the cap finial which was then trod on and scratching beyond use, made a new wooden finial, worked out how to fit it, it looked great offered it up to the buffing wheel and I haven't seen it since.
made a new finial.

Lots of lessons learnt today and still enjoyed my time in the workshop (even the 30mins looking for a finial that has entered another dimension)

The result looks ok in the pictures, but not quite how I hoped.


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