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Mar 14, 2016
Rhigos, South Wales
First Name
As a fellow pen turner etc; I must tell others of a pending scam, concerning one particular “company”


We were contacted, by a said Mr. Alex Middleton, CEO of the said global investment company, wanting 30 wooden pens. Not odd you may ask, but asking to phone direct and in person and not even a mention of cost of these pens. Strange!

Furthermore, writing back to say he will finish details on the next day, but took over three weeks to respond, so not a reliable or trustworthy investment company then!

At this point, alarm bells started to ring. On researching the above said company web site, it only had one page and this is a global investment company. We found the web page had been created by squarespace, odd for such a large international professional investment company to use and no tabs working on that web page either.
Very Strange!!!!!

The so called Mr. Middleton wanted to have contact by phone, but I refused but sent instead, a quote direct to him that I will only take payment by PalPay ONLY, before any pen is turned.
Nothing so far, surprise, surprise.
So please, be very careful with these so called “companies” that want numerous turned pens. If you do receive any of these type of enquires, do your research on that particular company.

Wayback machine”, is a checker for web site history. This said company only had 12 months work listed, but on it’s website they mentioned, it had been going since 2015.

And if you find anything wrong, one can report these “sites” to a governing body that will investigate on your behalf. One being report@phishing.gov.uk. This will go to the National Cyber Security Centre.

If I am wrong, then I will have a lot of jam on my face, as this order would have been a lot of money, but scammers will try anything and besides, I don’t mind eating jam.



Sep 2, 2015
Southern Central France
First Name
Well done Kelvin I've had 2 of these in the last 5 years in France, I wouldn't mind but as a fluent French speaker as well, the quality of the 'African origin ' French was appalling. Their only problem was that I had terminated my company 6 years ago so they didn't get the response they were hoping for.


Mar 14, 2016
Rhigos, South Wales
First Name
Well done Kelvin I've had 2 of these in the last 5 years in France, I wouldn't mind but as a fluent French speaker as well, the quality of the 'African origin ' French was appalling. Their only problem was that I had terminated my company 6 years ago so they didn't get the response they were hoping for.
Pierre, if you can, report them to your appropriate governing body. It all helps to squash these leeches.