That tap is supplied specifically from schmidt for their feeds to ensure that manufacture operation is correct t every time.
I believe what Phil is doing is having the taps manufactured to suit thread and pitch only.
You can easily convert any tap style (1st, 2nd or 3rd) (taper, plug or bottom) and make it into any of the other style needed. All you have to do is grind it. An angle grinder works wonders for this while it's on the wood lathe.
Not the most accurate way of precision engineering tho Ed.:nonono:
The 3rd tap, i.e. bottom tap can be used just the same however it is the most aggressive of all the styles and cuts the most materials and also the most likely to cause problems with the material as for cracking, shattering and the like.
The 3rd tap is not aggressive, it's not designed to do what a first tap is designed to do. And that is to create the thread slowly and progressively.
but agree if you use the bottoming tap as the main tap you are at risk of break out, cracking and the like. .
but it can be done with a bottoming tap in one go. But it's not for the faint hearted in my opinion.
I agree with what ZT said, that is all they supply, but schmidt use ebonite for their nib feeds, which I it's self is a much safer material to tap and doesn't suffer with the break out as it's got a little flex and not a ridged or brittel material. Correct me if I'm wrong..