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Sedona from 3 sources.


grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
I've found that I have 3 different types of Sedona. Two I'm not sure where they came from... but a UK supplier and the other TB.

1. Holly Oak.
This has metal threads which are very coarse which takes 1.75 turns to put the cap on. It has straight sides to top of the pen part and also a metal thread on that. All the fillers are screw type and works very well. This is my own pen that I've been using for a while now.

2. Sycamore Burr
This has plastic threads that is finer than no.1 and it takes 1.5 turns to fit the cap. The top of the pen part is the same shape as the Holly Oak one and it has the same filler as 1.

3. Spalted Silver Birch
This has plastic threads which takes about 1.25 turns to fit the cap due to fewer threads on the fitting. The top of the pen part is a different shape and the nib holder has faceted sides whereas the others have a round shape.

The centre band on 1 and 2 are the same with a different one on the 3rd.

The filler on 1 and 2 are the same with a gold band on 3. All fit very well

I like all of these pens a lot and the quality of each of them is superb. Apart from the faceted sides on 3, this is my preferred pen although as I said each of them is good.


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Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
They all do it for me Paul, love the finish it really brings out the grain .. :thumbs:
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