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Segmented Hybrid


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Here is a pen made from barrels that i made quite a while ago, the bottom barrel is made from resin that i made when i first started to dabble making blanks with it .. The top barrel is made from Walnut and Cherry (I think) So today i turned them both and made this pen using a gold plated slimline ..



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
They have been sitting in the shed for an age Terry, the bottom blank with the resin, i don't even recall making it ... :sob: So when i looked at them i decided to put them together as the colurs were not to far away .. Always remember you have to have pens ready for favours etc, this is one of them ... :ciggrin:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name

Two aspects stand out with every pen the first is the impression while it is in the pocket using the clip for convenience, stop it rolling away etc when on the desk, and the other when kept in one place in view of other people. In both of these your pen is easy to see, has impact, quite a technical exercise, excitement in the top half with a smooth as lower half to soften, blend the body of the pen. Great IMHO.

Carefull turning in shape, beaut lines especially in the centre, top and tip make it a superb pen finished well. The combination of the both pieces like plus fours worn around the Golf Course with a tweed jacket personal choice I like it a lot. Something to always do is float an idea and stick to it this you have done it succeeds, is provocative. Now to Joe Blo or Jenny Public all they will see without explanation will be a different well executed pen for all seasons and judge it for what it is. I like it very much, believing that the Slimline and Streamline Pen has not been left behind by any means judging by the power of them in someone elses hand the acid test.

Kind regards Peter.
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