I had my first afternoon in the shed for over three weeks yesterday, no turning a bit of prep work for doing some Zeta's with Brodys blanks. So I thought I would paint some tubes. Got my spray tin of primer out and sprayed 10 tubes, not like I usually do though, for some reason I sprayed whilst bending over the subject, by the time I was walking out the shed I was choking, eyes streaming etc. :nonono::nonono:
Very little sleep through the night coughing & headaches been on nebuliser this morning, which as made things a little better, no work today.
So todays lesson, always wear your mask when using spray paint & glues etc, always spray away from your face & don't stand over the object being worked on.
So hopefully back in the shed later to spray the colour coat this time correctly prepared.
Very little sleep through the night coughing & headaches been on nebuliser this morning, which as made things a little better, no work today.
So todays lesson, always wear your mask when using spray paint & glues etc, always spray away from your face & don't stand over the object being worked on.
So hopefully back in the shed later to spray the colour coat this time correctly prepared.