Well, I'd built up a collection of about thirty or so pens all different, and my missus says "I'll take those to the 'Fat Club' and see if anyone wants to buy one."
Well, she sold FOUR which made me feel good. Must be doing something right. Trouble is, she's come back with loads of suggestions from the women about what type I need to make now, so back to the 'Kennel' for me. Incidentally, all women and sold 3 wood and 1 acrylic.
Now I've sold some pens, does that make me a Semi-Professional Turner?
Well, she sold FOUR which made me feel good. Must be doing something right. Trouble is, she's come back with loads of suggestions from the women about what type I need to make now, so back to the 'Kennel' for me. Incidentally, all women and sold 3 wood and 1 acrylic.
Now I've sold some pens, does that make me a Semi-Professional Turner?