Hi Walter.
I use the wipe on Melamine from chestnut.
It needs to be built up in thin layers, so I do on the lathe. I wipe on with the lathe stationary, let dry then buff up with the lathe running.
I usually use 3 or 4 coats, burnishing in between with cream.
It is actually very easy to cock it all up! Buff before dry, or put too much on, and whatever you are buffing up with will stick to the blank! Patience is the key with this method.
You can do more coats if you want it ultra glossy, but I'm not that keen.
I've stuck with this method for the durability of the finish. The pen and pencil set I have used almost every working day for the last 3 or 4 years, actually don't look too different from the day I made them.