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Need brownie points (always do for some unfathomable reason ) so made this ring / trinket holder thingy this afternoon. Cribbed the idea from somewhere but can't remember.
Made from reclaimed ash doorframe. Appologies for the cr*p pic.
Not sure Jim.
My missus is just like you mate. I build up loads of brownie points (credits) then suddenly one morning find they've all gone, disappeared into thin air. have you been speaking to her?
My dork of a brother in law has decided to celebrate his 60th birthday by having a family all day barbeque get together at Barnard Castle - yep you guessed it - July 18th. So she ain't happy that she's going to have to drive down herself with my daughter and her mother while I'm attending some jolly down in York
I've been commanded along with some thinly veiled threats to make an appearance on the way home and now she's making noises about staying overnight.