Just for info. I looked at the BND abrasives site and found lots of different options for Ceramic belts. This is the reply I got when I asked them about the choices.
Yes there is a few we offer, all have varying properties (waterproof etc).
For a good quality ceramic i can recommend the Norton R976, quite a few of our customers use this and we sell it as a premium range. This is available on the beltbuilder so unfortunately i cannot provide a direct link.
If you want a really good belt, the 3M 984F cubitron 2 is a industry changer. This belt will last and last but not available in a P120, this may be good for coarser grades. We typically sell this material to high production knife makers.
The smallest order for the R976 ceramic was for 12 belts at a total of £41.50 after postage and tax. I decided that was too many belts for me at the moment. I will get one ceramic belt form somewhere and see how long that lasts before getting 12.