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Spalted Hackberry

Les ELm

Executive Member
Oct 19, 2014
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
First Name
Turned, sanded 400 grit only, buffed with extra fine steel wool and applied 6 coats of MINWAX WBOM Clear Gloss Polyurethane.
Dressed up in a Titanium Gold Jr. Gent II.



  • #2 - JR. Gent II Spalted Hackberry.JPG
    #2 - JR. Gent II Spalted Hackberry.JPG
    77.2 KB · Views: 48
  • #2A - JR. Gent II Spalted Hackber.JPG
    #2A - JR. Gent II Spalted Hackber.JPG
    74.1 KB · Views: 48
  • #2B - JR. Gent II Spalted Hackber.JPG
    #2B - JR. Gent II Spalted Hackber.JPG
    70.1 KB · Views: 48
  • #2C - JR. Gent II Spalted Hackber.JPG
    #2C - JR. Gent II Spalted Hackber.JPG
    79.5 KB · Views: 48


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
This example of your work Les gives us all an insight into the complete pen. By this I refer to publications that become famous such as The Complete Angler etc and become part of vocabulary when you simply used just one grit, simple wood then finished it so well dressed the pen in the appropriate gold kit, pictured the whole comprehensibly in great clarity. Over the years viewing and having obtained some of your work following it with interest and wonder the application in your work to infinite detail is never lost with me. I dwell in the pictures marvelling at the skill. At a football match a Mexican Wave indicates the fans approval, no such thing on the forum was tempted to cover a page with exclamation marks.:yourtheman::yourtheman::yourtheman:

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