Ok, I forgot to take a photo of the pen on it's own.
It's a Pristina fountain pen with one of Merv's white blanks.
Being heavy handed I managed to go through 3 blanks before I got one right!!
Good job I bought 4 blanks.
Oh & the other photo's are just 'cos I was a very proud dad on the day. I & my brother were the photographers on the day too, why spend money when you don't need to!!
It's a Pristina fountain pen with one of Merv's white blanks.
Being heavy handed I managed to go through 3 blanks before I got one right!!
Good job I bought 4 blanks.
Oh & the other photo's are just 'cos I was a very proud dad on the day. I & my brother were the photographers on the day too, why spend money when you don't need to!!