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May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
I used to cringe at the thought of a slimline and other than the first half a dozen pens that I made, I still have yet to make a straight thin slimline. The nearest I have come is the streamline and the slimline Stylus from TB which I fit with a streamline centreband, so guess that it isnt really a slimline. Reason I don't like turning them I suppose is that I dont like them to write with and as such dont have too much confidence in them to sell them. Additionally people are prepared to pay for a bigger pen in the belief that they are getting more for their money. The thinner it is the more comparisons I find with Bics and the like.

Particularily like the Gun Metal finish on the streamline, its got class in my book! Here's a few I did today

From the left Olivewood Yew Oak, Juniper, Pommelle Sapele Andaman Island Padauk (AKA Andaman Redwood)


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Neil, I like them as well but choose Slims with Streamline centre bands from Timberbits.

Your pens sing mate.

Kind regards Peter.:thinks:


Graduate Member
Aug 17, 2013
Harrow Middlesex
Very nice Neil. I am not to keen on slimlines and prefer to change the centre band to streamline as I feel it makes for a much nicer pen.
Looks to me as though you are very close to making a Longwood conversion I think once you take the plunge you will find like I did that not only are they quick and easy to make but the combinations are infinite plus you can use up a lot of your blank offcuts as the lengths of blank are only 1 inch and 3 inch plus what ever you want to use as centre band
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