You may have gathered that I attend quite a few shows from Country and Dame Shows to events in the NEC and the SECC. At most of these events I manage to take my lathe and "demonstrate" which is actually a way of entertaining myself when the crowds aren't around and to boost stock levels. It also gets me a free metre of exhibition space normally.
So picture the scene, I am standing behind a lathe, on a work top which is elevated by around a foot from normal so that the lathe is visible and kids cant get their hands anywhere near the moving parts (My risk assesment states that should an adult willing put his hands into the path of something spinning at 3,000rpm then he deserves everything he or she gets - nobody has questioned this yet!!). The duty idiot was obviously on day release last weekend as he wandered aimlessly around the craft marquee and siddled up to the lathe and after asking one question - "What are the pens made of?" then asked what at the outset appeared to be a rather more intelligent question, "What else can you make?" to which I responded, anything out of wood as long as it is round and can fit onto the lathe.
Having been lulled into a false sense of security from his apparent intelligent question he then plumbed the depths of stupidity by saying, "So you can make spectacle frames then?"
Sometimes should we not allow nature to go its course rather than allow medical intervention? Removal of this individual from the gene pool would be a long term service to humanity.
So picture the scene, I am standing behind a lathe, on a work top which is elevated by around a foot from normal so that the lathe is visible and kids cant get their hands anywhere near the moving parts (My risk assesment states that should an adult willing put his hands into the path of something spinning at 3,000rpm then he deserves everything he or she gets - nobody has questioned this yet!!). The duty idiot was obviously on day release last weekend as he wandered aimlessly around the craft marquee and siddled up to the lathe and after asking one question - "What are the pens made of?" then asked what at the outset appeared to be a rather more intelligent question, "What else can you make?" to which I responded, anything out of wood as long as it is round and can fit onto the lathe.
Having been lulled into a false sense of security from his apparent intelligent question he then plumbed the depths of stupidity by saying, "So you can make spectacle frames then?"
Sometimes should we not allow nature to go its course rather than allow medical intervention? Removal of this individual from the gene pool would be a long term service to humanity.