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Tactical Outdoor Pen


Full Member
Mar 6, 2022
First Name
My first 2 piece outdoor tactical pen. I decided on Solomon Island Blackwood, also known as Queen Ebony. I decided to leave it its natural colour instead of oxidising it with iron acetate. Oxidising with iron acetate will turn the timber black, that is why it is also known as Queen Ebony.

I thought that seeing it was outdoors tactical I would go with a matte finish on the pen. I hard burnished boiled linseed oil using 400, 600, 800 and 1200 grit went and dry. Then to finish, I hand rubbed a beeswax and pure wood turpentine mix onto the surface and buffed with a wad of flannelette.

Photo 1 is in closed position and can be used to break glass as there is a glass breaker in the cap.

Photo 2 is ready to be used as a pen. It takes a standard Parker Pen refill.

Photo 3 shows the bottom of the pen reversed exposing the flint so you are able to start a camp fire with.20220307_164406_1646636011092_1646636094447.jpgView attachment 4510520220307_164555_1646636157464.jpg

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