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Take a Lucida apart


May 1, 2014
Narrowboat dweller Willington, Derby
First Name
I would like to take one of my Lucida pens apart as I'm not happy with the finish on it and I've had it a while and it's not sold. I was wondering if anyone has taken one apart successfully without damaging it? I have a set of transfer punches but the worry is not being able to use the right size of punch due to having to put it through a smaller entry hole at the top of the pen so that the punch is hitting somewhere in the middle of the nib section. Hope one of you can enlighten me. :thumbs: :noidea:


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
Use a slightly smaller punch so you can angle it to touch the inside of the tube, slide it down until it contacts the top edge of the writing tip unit and give it a few gentle taps, turn the pen and repeat on the other side of the barrel. Continue turning and tapping until the tip is free. See drawing:

Scan_20140820 by walter.hall, on Flickr
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