I started to reply last night then the internet blew up and so did my reply, in my frustration I closed the computer!!
The top of the main spire looks to be 15-20 degrees and the whole looks like its following the golden rule of 1:1.68
The tealight holder look like an equilateral triangle of 30-35 degrees thus the others are 75-72.5 the height of the tealight holder appears to be following the golden rule so you should be able to calculate it. The thicknes of the tealight holder sides appear to be 50% of the tealight diameter.
Thus if you make the main spire at 20 degrees and cut an angle on the band saw to give an obtuse angle of about 120 at the foot, you can work out the balance initially by using masking tape to put the 2 triangles together and trying the balance then drill for 2 4mm dowels (which you make and ensure that they are drilled under the tealight mortise.) For the parallel dowels once you have the balance right , measure the angles from the table to the side of the tall spires acute angle and drill that into the spire and then you should be able to calculate the angle to the tealight holder as you hold its side parallel.
The tealight mortise should be at least 1 mm all round the metal holder since they do get very hot and out of preference I would also insert a glass holder as well to avoid scorching and burning. Dont forget to do the balancing with tealight and holder in the mortise.
The wood looks like Wenge; use a dense wood like wenge or Beech etc
Does that help?
Best of luck with it