Hi, Guys,
By now, most of you will be aware that last year I picked up a discarded pallet from a shipment of Indian stone. Since then I've made some very nice-looking pens from some of its boards, but this could be the best yet. Initially, the blank was red, but during the turning and polishing it changed to a mid-brown hue. I popped the grain with a rub of white spirit prior to polishing and BOY! - the features hit me in the face! This is truly a Cinderella of woods (the darker bits are, anyway - I've not yet turned any of the paler stuff).
It's a hard, heavy and dense wood, but beautiful to turn, sand and polish. The boards on my pallet vary from pale beige, and travel up through the browns, mahogany and into ruby red. Such a sin to waste this sort of timber on pallets and packing cases!
Grits to 600, a wipe of white spirit (let it dry!) a wipe of BLO (let it dry!) and 4 coats of friction polish. You can see your face in this one!
Regards to all.