Grand Master
Whilst receiving huge attention to my teeth my Dentist who is Vietnamese and 5 feet tall, me 6 feet 2 inches laying head nearly on the floor, him sitting on a stool lots of things to be done we became friends. Our Govt made two special grants of over 4000 dollars worth of free Dental treatment now extinct and they the gov said heres a list of several private practitioners choose one and yes I took the nearer one and he turned out to be a winner. Long story shorter during the times I showed him some pens promised a pen to him. He was to give me a false tooth to play with that never happened so using a fat dremel in one hand a pen blank of white Corian in the shaky other I carved a Wisdom tooth with detail in the crown and all set it at an angle in the side of the top of the pen so the tooth detail showed, used a beaut timber Cocobolo, off Google printed a copy of our favourite Pam Ayers poem called teeth, then one of Spike Milligans poems.. called you guessed it teeth (worth a Google believe me and imagine those two reciting them), Presented these with cartoons of the tooth fairy to the Dentist. He framed the pen and said with his 600000 rpm high speed drill deep in a tooth how can you do such fine work, all this while he worked to a poofteenth of a mm in my mouth. Told the dentist the whole set up was THE GETTING OF WISDOM.
Reason for the detail lousy pic when recovered but lovely pen. Because we are old fellas we get free Dental but no frills like caps etc every two years.
Kind regards Peter.
Reason for the detail lousy pic when recovered but lovely pen. Because we are old fellas we get free Dental but no frills like caps etc every two years.
Kind regards Peter.